Healthcare News
Knee Pain at Night: Causes and Treatment
Knee pain at night is a common discomfort that can be caused by injury, arthritis, bursitis, gout, and more. This pain at bedtime is not only frustrating but also can lead to pain-induced insomnia, which can leave you exhausted during the day.
6 Causes of Hip Pain at Night
Hip pain at night can make it more difficult to sleep, but the effects don't stop there. Twisting and turning to find a more comfortable position to sleep in combined with lack of sleep can contribute to health and quality of life issues that you experience during the day, too.
How Shin Splints Are Treated
Treatments for shin splints include home remedies, activity modification, medications, and physical therapy. In rare cases, a healthcare provider may recommend procedures such as prolotherapy (an injectable treatment) and extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) (a noninvasive treatment) for shin splints.
4 Hip-Strengthening Exercises
Hip-strengthening exercises can be incredibly beneficial if you are dealing with hip pain or weakness due to an injury, surgery, or chronic condition like hip arthritis. They are also useful for conditioning the hip muscles if you are a runner, weight lifter, older adult, or you wan to improve your balance, stability, or mobility.
Hip Flexor Muscles and Injuries
The hip flexor muscles are a group of muscles situated near the top of your thighs that allow you to lift your knee toward your chest and bend forward at the hip. This includes the iliacus, pectineus, psoas major, rectus femoris, and sartorius muscles that work together to enable hip flexion.
Biodegradable gel shows promise for cartilage regeneration
A gel that combines both stiffness and toughness is a step forward in the bid to create biodegradable implants for joint injuries, according to new UBC research.
How to Treat Hip Bursitis
The best treatment for hip bursitis, or any form of bursitis, is aimed at controlling the inflammation caused by this condition. As with any treatment program, always talk with your healthcare provider before initiating any specific treatments.
Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee: What to know
Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee may not cause any symptoms, but some people may experience pain and swelling. Engaging in competitive sports may contribute to its development.
Is Walking Good for Hip Arthritis?
Hip arthritis results from the breakdown of cartilage within your hip joints, causing hip stiffness and pain that can increase with inactivity, standing, and walking. Although walking can be uncomfortable and difficult with hip arthritis, walking is also incredibly important for maintaining the mobility and strength of your hips.
Causes of Knee Popping or Snapping
Knee popping, snapping, cracking, or crunching noises are usually harmless and may simply be the consequence of aging joints. But they could also be an indication of a serious injury, such as a torn meniscus, or an early sign of knee arthritis. This is especially true if the noises are accompanied by pain or the loss of joint mobility.